Midway Public Art Mini Grants

What: The Midway Public Art Working Group (MPAWG) is allocating $1,000 for mini-grants of up to $250 to fund community-led public art projects in the Hamline-Midway neighborhood. Projects can be permanent, temporary, or ephemeral. MPAWG is interested in supporting work that engages thematically with the Hamline-Midway neighborhood, its residents, and its past, present, or future. MPAWG may be able to provide logistical support, such as information about completing a Paint the Pavement project or locating an artist to do a garage door mural, depending on the request. Consider public art to be art in its broadest sense, encompassing any medium, that is available for consumption in public spaces.

When: All projects must be completed by the end of 2018

Who: Anybody is eligible to apply.

DeadlineMay 31, 2018.

Application Process: Please provide a detailed description of the project, along with plans to execute the project, and how the money will be spent, and email it to jonathan[at]midwaymurals.com. Applications can be sent in written, audio, or video formats, and in any language.